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Model Recommended sale price (CAD) i Prices are MANUALLY estimated by a human, taking into account Facebook and Kijiji listings. Try to sell roughly around this price. Aim to buy 3/4 or less of this price. -- Last Updated: 2024-01-20 USA eBay Average Price (USD) i Data is automatically pulled off the average SOLD, USED eBay Prices. Prices are generally overestimated, especially with less popular products.
2nd Generation (Sandy Bridge)
Intel Core i3-2100 $4
Intel Core i5-2400 $9
Intel Core i5-2500 $10
Intel Core i5-2500K $15
Intel Core i7-2600 $20
Intel Core i7-2600K $35
Intel Core i7-2700K $40
3rd Generation (Ivy Bridge)
Intel Core i3-3220 $5
Intel Core i5-3330 $6
Intel Core i5-3470 $10
Intel Core i5-3550 $10
Intel Core i5-3570 $10
Intel Core i5-3570K $15
Intel Core i7-3770 $25
Intel Core i7-3770K $40
4th Generation (Haswell)
Intel Core i3-4130 $9
Intel Core i5-4430 $13
Intel Core i5-4460 $13
Intel Core i5-4570 $13
Intel Core i5-4670 $15
Intel Core i5-4670K $20
Intel Core i5-4690 $16
Intel Core i5-4690K $22
Intel Core i7-4770 $25
Intel Core i7-4770K $50
Intel Core i7-4790 $40
Intel Core i7-4790K $60
6th Generation (Skylake)
Intel Core i3-6100$15
Intel Core i5-6400$25
Intel Core i5-6500$26
Intel Core i5-6600$27
Intel Core i5-6600K$35
Intel Core i7-6700$45
Intel Core i7-6700K$60
7th Generation (Kaby Lake)
Intel Core i3-7100$15
Intel Core i5-7400$25
Intel Core i5-7500$26
Intel Core i5-7600$27
Intel Core i5-7600K$40
Intel Core i7-7700$55
Intel Core i7-7700K$80
8th Generation (Coffee Lake)
Intel Core i3-8100$40
Intel Core i5-8400$65
Intel Core i5-8500$70
Intel Core i5-8600$70
Intel Core i5-8600K$85
Intel Core i7-8700$85
Intel Core i7-8700K$130
9th Generation (Coffee Lake Refresh)
Intel Core i3-9100$41
Intel Core i3-9350KF$60
Intel Core i5-9400$70
Intel Core i5-9400F$70
Intel Core i5-9500$70
Intel Core i5-9600$80
Intel Core i5-9600K$120
Intel Core i7-9700$100
Intel Core i7-9700K$150
Intel Core i9-9900$170
Intel Core i9-9900K$200
Intel Core i9-9900KF$200